So You're Having a Girl!

So you just found out that your pregnant and your going to have a baby. I am sure that there are a ton of things going through your mind and even more things that you are going to have to prepare for. Picking a name, finding out the sex of the baby, deciding on a hospital and doctor to use, picking out a car seat, maybe even picking out a more family oriented car, and lastly getting the nursery ready to go for the babies arrival.

Nojo Baby Bedding

If you are going to have a baby girl, then you will first need to decide what kind of theme you are going to go with in your nursery? There are tons to choose from with your old school pinks and blues to your Thomas the Train, to your princess and fairies. After you come up with a theme you will need to decide on things like wall color and bedding patterns. It is rather hard to find something that will fit your babies personality since they haven't been born yet and you do not even know them. Well, they have the parents genes so try and remember what the parents were like at a young age and what they enjoyed and most likely the baby will be happy with the same things as it's parents.

Nojo Baby Bedding

You want to keep the same theme throughout the room. The walls will need to match the bedding and go well together with the crib. The window treatments and room decor should also match the bedding from the lamps to valences. You may also want to consider putting the babies name on the wall in wooden letters to match the theme as well.

This is a very important time in a couples life when they are expecting a newborn and building a nursery can be very stressful but it doesn't have to be. Just take your time and always talk with your spouse before making a decision. It will all be worth in when you bring that little bundle of joy home from the hospital and put them in their nursery for the very first time.

So You're Having a Girl!
Nojo Baby Bedding

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